Monday, August 25, 2014

12 Foods That Lower Cholesterol Naturally

See all 12 foods that can improve your cholesterol.

 Lower Cholesterol Naturally


1. Oats

If you’re looking to lower your cholesterol, the key may be simply changing your morning meal. Switching up your breakfast to contain two servings of oats can lower LDL cholesterol by 5.3% in only 6 weeks. The key to this cholesterol buster is beta-glucan, a substance in oats that absorbs LDL, which your body then excretes.
Heart-healthy breakfast: Banish bland oats with this Blueberry Almond Oatmeal recipe from Flat Belly Diet.

2. Red wine

High-fiber Tempranillo red grapes, used to make red wine like Rioja, may actually have a significant effect on cholesterol levels. When individuals consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine, their LDL levels decreased by 9%. In addition, those who had high cholesterol going into the study saw a 12% drop in LDL.
Cholesterol-lowering dinner: Prepare this Red Wine with Chicken recipe any night of the week—only six ingredients required.

3. Salmon & fatty fish

Omega-3 fats are one of the natural health wonders of the world and have been shown to ward off heart disease, dementia, and many other diseases. Now these fatty acids can add yet another health benefit to their repertoire: lowering cholesterol. Replacing saturated fats with omega-3s like those found in salmon, sardines, and herring can raise good cholesterol as much as 4%.
Omega-3-rich pasta dish: Become a fan of fish with this delicious Penne with Salmon and Roasted Vegetables recipe.

4. Nuts

People who noshed on 1.5 ounces of whole walnuts 6 days a week for 1 month lowered their total cholesterol by 5.4% and LDL cholesterol by 9.3%. Almonds and cashews are other good options. However, while nuts are heart healthy, they're also high in calories, so practice portion control—1.5 ounces is about a shot glass and a half. Use a shot glass to measure out your portion so you can see exactly how it looks.
Satisfying snack: Sprinkle toasted walnuts onto this sweet yogurt parfait for an afternoon treat.

5. Beans

Beans are good for your heart. 1/2 cup of beans to soup lowers total cholesterol, including LDL, by up to 8%. The key to this heart-healthy food is its abundance of fiber, which has been shown to slow the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol in certain foods. Try black, kidney, or pinto beans; each supplies about one-third of your day's fiber needs.
Heart-smart speedy supper: Get dinner on the table fast with this almost-instant black bean chili.

6. Tea

While tea has become well known for its cancer-fighting antioxidants, it is also a great defense against LDL cholesterol levels. Black tea has been shown to reduce blood lipids by up to 10% in only 3 weeks. These findings were concluded in a larger study of how tea may also help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Better beverage: Swap out your latte for black tea twice a week, or add brewed tea to this frosty, tea-infused dessert.

7. Chocolate

This powerful antioxidant helps build HDL cholesterol levels. Cocoa powder had a 24% increase in HDL levels over 12 weeks, compared with a 5% increase in the control group. Remember to choose the dark or bittersweet kind. Compared to milk chocolate, it has more than 3 times as many antioxidants, which prevent blood platelets from sticking together and may even keep arteries unclogged.
Guilt-free dessert: Whip up a batch of dark chocolate–covered strawberries for a heart-healthy treat.

8. Margarine

Switch to a margarine with plant sterols, such as Promise activ or Benecol, to help lower cholesterol. Plant sterols are compounds that reduce cholesterol absorption. Women who had a higher plant sterol–based diet were able to lower total cholesterol by 3.5%.
Side dish swap: Trade butter for Promise activ Light Spread in these whipped sweet potatoes.

9. Spinach

This popular green contains lots of lutein, the sunshine-yellow pigment found in dark green leafy vegetables and egg yolks. Lutein already has a "golden" reputation for guarding against age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. Just 1/2 cup of a lutein-rich food daily also guards against heart attacks by helping artery walls "shrug off" cholesterol invaders that cause clogging. Look for bags of baby spinach leaves that you can use for salads or pop in the microwave for a quick side dish.
Superstar salad: Start your meal with this spinach and mandarin orange recipe.

10. Avocado

Avocados are a great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that may actually help raise HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL. And, more than any other fruit, this delectable food packs cholesterol-smashing beta-sitosterol, a beneficial plant-based fat that reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Since avocados are a bit high in calories and fat (300 calories and 30 g fat per avocado), use them in moderation.
Heart-smart soup: Try a new spin on a chicken soup recipe. Add spices and creamy avocado for a Mexican flair.

11. Garlic

Aside from adding zing to almost any dish, garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure, and protect against infections. Now research finds that it helps stop artery-clogging plaque at its earliest stage by keeping cholesterol particles from sticking to artery walls. Try for two to four fresh cloves a day.
Very good veggie: Take a fresh spin on your basic green bean side dish by adding garlic and ginger.

12. Olive oil

This common cooking ingredient can help your health. Olive oil is full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which lower LDL cholesterol—and have the welcome side effect of trimming belly fat! Use it to make your own salad dressings, marinate chicken and fish, or roast vegetables.
Perfect Pasta: Linguine pairs with tender scallops and crisp asparagus in a lemon and olive oil sauce for a healthy pasta dinner.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

കുട വയർ ഒതുക്കാൻ പറ്റിയ ചില ആഹാര സാധനങ്ങൾ

കുട വയർ  ഒതുക്കാൻ പറ്റിയ ചില  ആഹാര സാധനങ്ങൾ

1. വെജിറ്റബിൾ സൂപ്പ്
vegitable soup
പച്ചക്കറികളായ വെണ്ടയ്ക്ക, തക്കാളി,കാരറ്റ്,ബീൻസ് എന്നിവ ആവശ്യത്തിന് ഉപ്പും മുളക് പൊടിയും ഇട്ട് കുറച്ച് വെള്ളവും ചേർത്ത് പുഴുങ്ങി സൂപ്പാക്കി ഭക്ഷണത്തിനു മുമ്പ് കഴിച്ചാൽ വയർ നിറയുകയും ഇത് മൂലം മറ്റ് ആഹാരത്തിൻറെ അളവ് കുറയുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഇത് മൂലം അമിത വണ്ണം ഇല്ലാതെയാക്കാം.
വളരെയധികം നാരുകൾ അടങ്ങിയ പഴമാണ് സ്ട്രോബറി. നമ്മൾ കഴിക്കുന്ന ആഹാര പദാർഥങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന് നല്ലൊരു ഭാഗം നാരുകൾ ആഗിരണം ചെയ്യുകയും പൂർണ്ണമായും ദഹിച്ച് ശരീരത്തോട് ചേരുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് തന്നെ അവയെ വിസർജ്ജ്യങ്ങളിലൂടെ പുറന്തള്ളുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഇത് മൂലം മറ്റ് ഭക്ഷണം കൂടുതൽ ശരീരത്തിലെത്തിയാലും അവ അടിഞ്ഞു കൂടി അമിത വണ്ണത്തിന് കാരണമാകുമെന്ന ഭയവും വേണ്ട. ഇവ കഴിക്കുന്നത് മൂലം രക്തയോട്ടം സുഖമമാക്കുകയും പേശീ തന്തുക്കളുടെ പ്രവർത്തനം ആയാസ രഹിതമാക്കുകയും അർബുദ രോഗത്തെ ചെറുക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു.
3. പച്ചിലക്കറികൾ
കാത്സ്യ സമ്പുഷ്ടമാണ് പച്ചിലക്കറികൾ. അർബുദത്തെ തടയാനുള്ള കരോട്ടിനോയിഡ്സ് ഇലക്കറികളിൽ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. അതുകൊണ്ട് തന്നെ ആരോഗ്യ ദായകമാണ്‌ ഇലക്കറികൾ.
foods to reduce belly fat
പ്രോട്ടീനും വൈറ്റമിൻ ബിയും മൂലകങ്ങളും ധാരാളമടങ്ങിയിട്ടുള്ള ചോളം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് റൊട്ടിയോ,ഉപ്പ് മാവോ ഉണ്ടാക്കി കഴിക്കുന്നത് നല്ലതാണ്. അധികം കഴിക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് തന്നെ വയർ നിറയുന്ന സാധനമാണ് ചോളം.
5. മത്സ്യം
ചാള,മത്തി,അയല എന്നീ മീനുകളിൽ ഒമേഗ3 ഫാറ്റി ആസിഡുകൾ ധാരാളം അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഈ മത്സ്യങ്ങൾ കഴിക്കുന്നത് മൂലം ശരീരത്തിലടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്ന കൊഴുപ്പുകൾ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുകയും ഉപാപചയ പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങളെ സുഖമമാക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു. ഈ മത്സ്യങ്ങൾ സ്ഥിരമായി കഴിക്കുന്നവരുടെ രക്തത്തിലെ ഗ്ലൂക്കോസ് ഇൻസുലിൻ ബന്ധത്തിൽ ആരോഗ്യപരമായ മാറ്റമുണ്ടാകുന്നതായി ഓസ്ട്രേലിയയിൽ നടത്തിയ പഠനത്തിൽ കണ്ടെത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
ഒരു ആപ്പിളിൻറെ 85 ശതമാനവും ജലാംശമാണ്. ഇത് കഴിക്കുന്നത് മൂലം വിശപ്പ് മാറുകയും ജലാംശം കൂടുതൽ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ അമിതവണ്ണവും വരികയുമില്ല. മാത്രമല്ല കൊളസ്ട്രോൾ കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിനും ശ്വാസകോശങ്ങൾക്ക് കരുത്ത് പകരാനും ആപ്പിളിന് കഴിവുണ്ട്.
അജ്ജീർണ്ണം, ഗ്യാസ്ട്രബിൾ,എന്നിങ്ങനെ സാധാരണയായുണ്ടാകുന്ന പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ച് വീർത്തിരിക്കുന്ന വയറിനെ ചുരുക്കാൻ അത്യുത്തമമാണ് തൈര്. കൊഴുപ്പ് നീക്കിയ തൈര് ദിവസവും മൂന്ന് കപ്പെങ്കിലും കഴിക്കുന്നത് നല്ലതാണ്.
മനുഷ്യ ശരീരത്തിനാവശ്യമായ എല്ലാ മൂലകങ്ങളും അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നതാണ് മുട്ട. കാർബോ ഹൈഡ്രേറ്റുകൾ നിറഞ്ഞ പ്രഭാത ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവരെക്കാൾ മുട്ട ഉൾപ്പെടുന്ന കാർബോ ഹൈഡ്രേറ്റ് കുറഞ്ഞ പ്രഭാത ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവർക്ക് വിശപ്പ് കുറവായിരിക്കുമെന്ന് പഠനം പറയുന്നു. പ്രോട്ടീൻ, അമിനോ ആസിഡ്,സിങ്ക് എന്നീ മൂലകങ്ങൾ ഒരു മുട്ടയിൽ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

Monday, August 18, 2014

How to get instant relief from cough !

 Simple substances in your kitchen can help you find an almost instant relief from cough. 

1. Gargles
As soon as you feel soreness in your throat, make it a point to gargle with salt dissolved in warm water. The salt in the water can help drain excess fluid from inflamed areas in the throat reducing the symptoms. The gargling also removes irritants in the throat and thins the mucus.

2. Drink Warm Liquids
Green Tea 
Drinking warm water is a good way of soothing the inflammation in the throat; but this does not have any taste and may be unappetizing for most people. A warm soup is a much better solution as is a glass of hot herbal tea. 

3. Turmeric Remedies
A traditional remedy that most people swear by is the use of hot milk with turmeric. it is shown to even have antibacterial properties. 

Heat a glass of milk, mix in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and drink warm to find relief from cough. A turmeric gargle also gives good results. To one cup of hot water, add in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half a teaspoon table salt. Use this liquid as a throat gargle and you are sure to experience relief from cough.

For a dry cough, turmeric powder mixed with a teaspoon of honey taken three to four times a day is effective.  You could also try preparing turmeric tea by adding one tablespoon of turmeric powder into 4 cups of boiling water. Keep for a few minutes, strain and mix in some lemon and honey to the liquid and drink. Read more about why you have a dry cough and how you can recognise its symptoms.

Inhaling the smoke of burning turmeric (dhooma paan) is also considered to be an effective remedy for cough and cold. Take a dried turmeric root, burn it and inhale the smoke. Another way out is to place a few pieces of red hot charcoal in a small mud pot that has been placed on a cup of water. Add a few dried leaves of turmeric over the charcoal and a spoonful of turmeric powder over the leaves. Gently blow to ignite the turmeric powder and inhale the smoke emitted. 

4. Honey Remedies
Honey and Ginger Remedies 
Since ages, honey has been known to soothe the irritated throat linings and reduce cough.  honey helped cough less and sleep better.
There are different ways of using honey besides the one mentioned in combination with turmeric. A dry cough responds to a mixture of honey with juice from grapes. A glass of hot milk with some honey added just before going to bed is effective at relieving night time cough. Mix in honey and lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink this three times per day for relief from cough. People suffering from diabetes can have honey too. Here is why. 
If you have a particularly nasty cough, try this remedy. Take about 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds in 1 cup of water and boil. When the water starts thickening, strain the liquid and mix in 3 tablespoons each of lemon juice and honey. Swallow about 1 tablespoon of this mixture when you experience a severe coughing fit. Honey also works well in combination with betel leaf (paan). Grind a few washed betel leaves and extract the juice; add 1 teaspoon of honey to 2 teaspoons of this juice, mix and consume about half an hour after meals. Repeat for about 5 days to find relief from cough.

5. Ginger Remedies
Ginger has a number of amazing benefits, it is also great to treat a cough. For a dry cough, one of the easiest ways of finding relief is to cut a piece of fresh ginger, sprinkle some salt on it and chew on it for a few minutes. However, not everyone likes the strongly aromatic taste of ginger and in such cases, a tea made with ginger is equally good. Chop ginger into fine pieces, add into a vessel containing one cup of water. Keep boiling the liquid till the volume reduces to half the original quantity. Strain the liquid, add one teaspoon of honey and drink when warm to give a soothing effect against cough. ginger seems to work by ‘promoting salivation and mucus secretion and will help relieve cough symptoms’.
Ginger in combination with tulsi is also an effective remedy for cough. Crush about 10 leaves of tulsi, mix with juice extracted from a small ginger piece. Add in an equal quantity of honey and mix; swallow about a single teaspoon of this about thrice a day to get relief from cough.
People who don’t mind the strong spicy flavour of pepper can also add in some black pepper powder and turmeric into a mixture of ginger juice with honey. When this paste is slowly licked for 10 to 15 minutes thrice a day, it helps reduce congestion in the throat and reduces cough. A simple ginger tea is easy to prepare by boiling ginger with water; then add tea leaves or tea powder, drop in some tulsi leaves and pepper powder, strain and drink for relief from cough.

6. Garlic Remedies
Garlic is an effective antimicrobial and expectorant and this makes it a valuable agent to fight cough. garlic might help prevent colds and lessen their symptoms. People who took a garlic supplement for 12 weeks caught 63 percent fewer colds than people who took a placebo.
Lightly crush about 5 cloves of peeled garlic and sauté in a teaspoon of ghee; consume when still warm for relief from cough and cold. Include crushed garlic sautéed in ghee in other dishes where possible. Do this with rasam, and you have a medicinal soup that soothes your throat and also helps liquefy the thick mucus, making it easier to cough out the phlegm.

7. Throat Lozenges
Throat Lozenges 
Who took zinc lozenges every two to three waking hours cut the duration of a cold by almost half. The irritation caused by constant coughing can also be overcome by using throat lozenges. They are also known to prevent the progression of a sore throat to a cough. While some lozenges are medicated and contain ingredients such as dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) or benzocaine (an anesthetic), others contain natural soothing ingredients such as honey, menthol, peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil. In many homes, it is also quite common to make small children suck on the red-colored variety of rock candy to stop cough. 

8. Use Vaporubs
Children above 2 years of age had symptomatic relief and could sleep better after applying vaporubs. While the exact reason how vaporubs work remains a mystery, the ingredients such as menthol, camphor and eucalyptus may have a role in relieving congestion.

9. Sleep With the Head Elevated
In some persons, a productive cough results when mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. This tends to grow worse at night when the body posture is conducive for such dripping. Sleeping with the head at a higher position helps to reduce such drainage and many people find this position helps reduce coughing at night and improves sleep.

10. Jaggery Remedies to Get Rid of Sputum
Sputum buildup can lead to a feeling of congestion in the chest and the entire respiratory tract; expelling this sputum therefore provides relief from cough and congestion.Make a decoction by boiling a few corns of pepper with water for about 20 minutes; mix in a little cumin and jaggery and drink. Cut a quarter part of an onion, keep a small bit of jaggery in the middle of it and chew on this for expelling sputum. 

11. Over the Counter Medications
Relief from cough is even faster if you use over the counter (OTC) cough medications along with home remedies. Besides medicated lozenges, you could also try cough suppressants that contain ingredients like dextromethorphan. These are particularly useful if you have a hacking or dry cough. If you have productive cough, an OTC product with ingredients that have expectorant properties can help to clear out the mucus in the airways. Often, OTC products of both types – suppressants as well as expectorants – contain an antihistamine and this can help you sleep better at night.
Coughs are of different types, so are their solutions. Using home remedies or OTC products can help provide relief from cough. However, it is equally important to remember that if you find the cough persisting for an extended period of time, it is best to see a doctor to identify if there is any underlying serious problem that is causing the cough. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

7 ways to choose the right life partner

Selecting the right life partner is necessary to lead a happy married life. Here's how you can select your perfect one.

There are many factors that one needs to consider when choosing a life partner. The most important aspect is to consider things that are crucial to you.

Find someone who you can connect with easily
It is very important to choose somebody who you can easily strike a conversation with. This way, you can enjoy doing things and talking about them together without getting bored.

Potential partner with same interests
Selecting someone who shares a lot of common interests with you will work in your favour. Remember that all your interests don't really have to be the same, but some would do. Says clinical psychologist and relationship expert Seema Hingorrany, "When you decide to spend your life with someone, you must look at things that the two of you would love to do together. For example, if you are a movie buff, you would ideally like to be with someone who enjoys movies as well. This will make your life interesting."

Consider your partner's intellect
If you are a laid-back person and your partner is an over-achiever, that could lead to a threat in your marriage. You must see eye to eye on how both of you are able to think and process things.

It's okay to have standards
While choosing a life partner, you need to consider your and your family's standards. Though it's okay to choose someone who probably does not belong to the same strata of society as yours, make sure that he/she's not completely off the mark.

You should have respect for one another
You obviously cannot spend your life with someone who has no respect for you or your dreams/goals or your personality. So, choose someone who will acknowledge you for the rest of your life.

Is your potential trustworthy
In this day and age, it is extremely important to choose someone you can trust. You definitely cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith.

Spend time together
Just as important as it is to have similar interests, it is also crucial to be with someone who gives you enough time and who you would love to spend time with.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

World’s oldest masks go on display in Israel

A rare collection of 9,000-year-old masks -- considered among the most ancient human portraits from Stone Age -- is set to be on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

The exhibition titled 'Face to Face: The Oldest Masks in the World' runs March 11-Sep 13 at the Israel Museum.

The 12 neolithic masks, originated from the Judean Hills and nearby Judean desert in Israel, have the same striking features resembling the spirits of dead ancestors.

"It is extraordinary to be able to present this rare group of ancient stone masks, all originating from the same region in the ancient Land of Israel," James Snyder, director of the Israel Museum, was quoted as saying.

Stone Age people who carved the masks were among the first humans to abandon nomadic life and set up home in permanent settlements, said a report in the Times of Israel.

It is thought the masks were used in religious and social ceremonies and in rites of healing and magic.

They have the same large eyes and gaping mouths but are all different to represent the individual spirits of ancestors.

Each carved limestone mask weights one or two kg and would likely have been painted.

"Given their origins in the region, their display carries special meaning, underscoring their place in the unfolding history of religion and art," James Snyder said.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Aamir made warring Mammootty and Lal strike peace” — the reality

Aamir Khan rushed to down South to make truce between warring Malayalam superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal, that is what a Mumbai tabloid and couple of copy-paste Bollywood gossip sites made out of a dinner meeting between the three. 

The tabloid, which removed the news from their website later, wrote that the meeting took place at Mohanlal's house. Contrary to the claims of the tabloid and other gossip sites, it was Aamir, in Kerala to announce signing Mohanlal for the promotions of 'Satyamev Jayate', who threw the dinner party at Taj Malabar in Kochi. The invitees included not just two superstars, but three and two media persons, including yours truly. Dileep was the third superstar Aamir had called to celebrate after roping in Mohanlal for the promotions of his programme. 

Waiting for Lal – who had a shoot on the day, Aamir shared his experience during the making of 'Satyamev Jayate' with rest of the invitees. Once Lal came in, the “warring south stars” together choose the day's specials for Aamir. Mohanlal left Taj at 11.30 pm and Mammootty after an hour, both times Aamir went to the reception to see them off. 

When Mohanlal and Mammootty shared stories about their life and struggling days in the industry, Aamir sat there listening eagerly. After dinner before the gang dispersed, Aamir suggested having a family photoshoot and modestly adding that it was his luck to be amongst the three stars of Malayalam cinema. All the four actors treasured this moment in their mobile phones and thus ended a dinner and a "war".

The tabloid even compared this dinner party with Aamir's attempts to resolve issues between Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Antibodies hold promise for effective HIV vaccine

Washington: In a path-breaking finding, researchers have discovered how the immune system makes a powerful antibody that blocks HIV infection of cells by targeting the V1V2 site on the virus.

It is believed that if a vaccine could elicit potent antibodies to a specific conserved site in the V1V2 region, then the vaccine could protect people from HIV infection. The V1V2 is a region on the virus envelope which increases the susceptability to neutralistion by antibodies.

"The new findings point the way toward a potentially more effective vaccine that would generate V1V2-directed HIV neutralising antibodies," said scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the US National Institutes of Health.

Scientists from Columbia University, the Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa, and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, were part of the research.

The team began its work by identifying an HIV-infected volunteer, who naturally developed V1V2-directed HIV neutralising antibodies after several months of infection.

Using techniques similar to those employed in an earlier study of HIV-antibody co-evolution, the researchers analysed blood samples donated by the volunteer between 15 weeks and four years after getting infected.

This enabled the scientists to determine the genetic make-up of the original form of the antibody.

They also identified and defined the structures of a number of the intermediate forms taken as the antibody mutated toward its fullest breadth and potency.

The study revealed that after relatively few mutations, even the early intermediates of V1V2-directed HIV neutralising antibodies can neutralise a significant proportion of known HIV strains.

According to the scientists, this improves the chances that a V1V2-directed HIV vaccine developed based on the new findings would be effective.

They have now started working on a set of vaccine components designed to elicit V1V2 neutralising antibodies and guide their maturation, said NIH in a press release.